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Pay attention to these contents in die-cutting machining process
- 2019-03-14-

Die-cutting processing plantIt is a custom part with different sizes according to the intended shape, which is machined and cut. But what has been achieved in the die-cutting process? The above is million to find the answer.

The version and version of the volume are not tightly attached

Because self-adhesive printing uses letterpress printing method, the resin plate is coated on the outer surface of the plate roller with double-sided tape. If the board does not have a good appearance on the surface of the plate roll, the interface of the plate turns over and the plate is shortened through the die-cutting machine.

The die-cutting process used to handle this scenario does not allow the rolling plate after plate making, which facilitates the board to better attach to the outer surface of the plate roll.


Printing pressure

During the printing process, if the pressure is too high, the resin plate is squeezed and deformed, which leads to an inaccurate positioning between the die-cutting process and the printing. This scenario is more common, especially if the information version is softer.

The above version and Circular tool have inaccurate requirements for analog cutting accuracy in the performance of electronic tags. For 5-8 modules, some labels have tolerances of 0.2-0.3mm, and the labels that are not required for die-cutting processing are not clear.